Welcome to my Website www.guderian.org!
As chair of the family association of the family Guderian I hereby want to make public important genealogical results of our family history;
These often times have to be seen in a close context with the general history. Thus I also want to publish here some important articles and presentations to historic topics especially in view of Eastern Europe;
Furthermore I have chosen some theological papers of general interest from my decades-long work as pastor, mission director and lastly as denominational church president for this website;
I finally enclose a short listing about my most important book publications;
„My Books“.
I would be glad receiving queries and constructive comments [Hans.Guderian(at)t-online.de].
Hans Guderian
Juridical Advice: All parts of this website (text, pictures etc.) are protected by copyright and can be used further on only with my explicitly given written permission. I hereby prohibit particularly the use of any kind whatsoever for advertising purposes or for the purpose of sale expressly.